22 years conserving the Peruvian Amazon Andes
We protect Natural Areas
We integrate science, innovation and work with communities
We empower People and Governments
We monitor forests with the latest technology
We conserve with Science and Technology
Let's keep the Amazon alive
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we protect, empower and conserve

What do we do?

We integrate science, technology and communities to conserve the Amazon Andes.

We protect Natural Areas

We protect the most critical and biodiverse Andean-Amazonian ecosystems in the south of the country, creating and strengthening various conservation areas, directly addressing threats, thus ensuring essential landscape connectivity for the survival of species.

We empower people and governments

We build sustainable and resilient livelihoods that protect forests in order to strengthen environmental governance to improve the protection and management of natural resources.

We conserve with Science and Technology

We use our network of conservation centers as laboratories where we conduct and house robust scientific research and apply cutting-edge technologies to protect ecosystems and biodiversity.

the fruit of years of work


1 years
0 ha
of preserved area
0 ha
of agroforestry systems to restore damaged forests
identified species of flora and fauna in our biological stations

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Where Nature and Science come together

Los Amigos Biological Stations and Conservation Concession

In our facilities we study the impacts of Climate Change, the health of ecosystems and species in their natural habitat.

Get to know our Biological Stations and the first Conservation Concession in the world.


Cusco (2300 to 3600 masl)


Cusco y Madre de Dios (480 to 1200 masl)

Los Amigos

Madre de Dios (216 to 400 masl)


Madre de Dios (216 to 400 masl)

You can make a difference now

Help us to continue offering technical and financial assistance to community and civil society organizations in the most vulnerable regions.